Renowned Televangelist has been making headlines for the past few days after being exposed for mass killing. However, Tuko editor, Kingori Wangeci recounts the scenes and words when they visited Ezekiel.

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According to Tuko news on their tweeter account, the producers tried to get in touch with the Televangelist to no avail.and decided to present themselves.

As they approached the church the straight driveway of about a kilometer is a four-lane, one-way road with street lights and flags from different nations dotting the road. Some constructions were ongoing.

However, at the main gate there was barrier and security checkups. The security informed pastor Ezekiel who came and talked to them. He said,

“I agree my brother, but I am getting ready for a service in the next 15 minutes, my wife is preparing the altar for me, and you cannot talk to her, as she is the neck and I am the head.” He told us on the phone.”

He informed them that he will not allow them to film since there were senior government officials who wanted their lives private. He added,

“Some of the government officials are so sensitive that I serve them in my office privately, then they leave, I would not like to breach their privacy and secrecy rights, because they will stop coming to church,” he told us, as we agreed to an interview at another time.”

Before they could finish their tour they were summoned and Ezekiel told the congregants who they were before telling them to leave immediately.

by: HotnewsSantos


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