Azimio supporters have today caused huge mayhem and chaos after destroying huge sums of properties along Mlolongo town.
But Cabinet Secretary for Trade Hon Moses Kuria has said that the current Economic sabotage by the opposition will not delay their agenda to deliver their promises to Kenyans in the coming months.
According to the videos and photos shared, millions of properties have been destroyed by angry goons, some youths have been arrested following the incidence on the other hand police have also had rough time dealing with the demonistrations who seemingly overpowered them.
According to him president William Ruto will deliver his promises to Kenyans despite the slow start and threats from the opposition leader Raila Odinga and his allies.
This started after the Azimio supporters group themselves in several groups with some storming Kitengelera, others in Kamukunji, while others in different streets in Nairobi, this made it had for the police officers to provide enough security consider that other parts of the country were also in the streets.
“Am very confident that the Economic sabotage by the opposition won’t delay our agenda as Kenya Kwanza Government. The train has left the station and investors from all over the world are fighting for a chance to invest here.Sisi hapa kazi tu”. Said Hon. Moses Kuria cabinet secretary for Trade.
Properties of unknown value has been destroyed including the newly Express Way which was vandalized by the goons who were singing anti- Ruto slogans.
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by: Jusa