Samidoh Muchoki is a popular Kikuyu Benga musician who has moved from grass to fame through hard work and determination within the shortest period of time. He is among Kikuyu Benga musicians who have moved from grass to fame through hard work and determination within the shortest period of time. Some hours ago he posted on Facebook and kenyans were all over talking about his family in USA.

He said that in a battle between his brains and heart he always consult his stomach first. One of his followers commented on the post urging him to go and visit his kids as soon as possible. This appeared to anger Samidoh who decided to fire back without fear of contradiction.

Samidoh told her that he can’t remember himself giving birth with her and she should therefore avoid advising her what to do with his kids. He went ahead and called her “Nyakanga Muka Wa Hoji” which is a kikuyu phrase meaning an undisciplined woman and a wife to alcohol.


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