Few minutes ago, a media personality named Njenga Njeru has shared a video on his YouTube channel where he has narrated the life journey of a woman who is currently single and searching for a man who can marry her.
Njenga said that the woman’s name is Lydia Nekesa and she is currently 43 years old. Lydia is from Bungoma county but she now resides in Nairobi where she does business. Lydia is a mother of six children and she is not looking for help but just a companion.
Njenga clearly said that Lydia’s first two daughters are married and the rest of her children are still in school. She works in Nairobi as a house manager so as to take care of her kids and thus she only wants a man for companion but would not reject help from the man she will get.
Lydia was once married but she parted ways with her husband who she suspects cursed her because since they parted ways no man lasts longer with her. Lydia wants a man who is God fearing, financially stable and caring. Watch the video below for more information and know how to reach out to Lydia if you are interested.
By Kenyans