Rufftone is one musician who will be remembered by all sundry in Kenya as a man who pushed the gospel industry forward in leaps and bounds.
The man who is married and has 2 kids with his wife has served his industry without causing controversy while still being respected, something many in the industry can learn from him.
Unlike what the public knows and likes about him, I asked the artiste in a recent interview how he would like his wife and kids to remember him when all is said and done?
He replied,
“I was born in this generation to impact people to the cross and to encourage my peers to get born again. That is why I was born. The Bible says, ‘David served well in his generation’. Even me I want to serve well in my generation by speaking about the cross of Christ without fear or favour.”
He added,
“I have a new song-a collabo with my wife which we are releasing this month of February. It’s called Usiniache. My wife and I have been out of the scene for a couple of years, particularly my wife. One of the last songs I did was Mungu Baba and now it’s been 7 years.”
Rufftone with his wife
Rufftone with his wife
And he didn’t stop there yet. The man went on to praise his lovely wife saying, “I am championing my wife. You know she’s been so good. She took a back seat for the sake of the family. Now it’s time for her to resurface.”


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