Karis, known as Shaniqwa, is a well-known content creator in Kenya. At the peak of his career, he often portrayed a female persona, which helped him land various deals and media appearances, including hosting shows on KTN.
In an interview, Shaniqwa described how adopting this feminine identity was life-changing for him, but it also brought about significant challenges, especially from men. Many assumed he was part of the LGBTQ community; some criticized him, while others developed strong attractions to him.
He revealed that his inbox was filled with messages from men looking for romantic encounters. One Nigerian man even tracked him down, offering Ksh 900,000 for a meeting, but Shaniqwa turned it down, stating that he is heterosexual and that his feminine portrayal was simply a character. Karis revealed that he is now a successful business man and he is living a good life.
By Newshub