The government pathologist, Johansen Oduor, on Monday, 1st of May, revealed that his team conducted a number of research on the bodies of the victims that perished in Shakahola forest.
While releasing a report to the nation on his findings about what happened to the Shakahola victims, Johansen Oduor noted that there was no any victim who had a missing body organ hance the authorities have ruled out Human Organs trafficking.
Oduor has also given out two discoveries that were found during the autopsy. First, the pathologist has noted that the Shakahola victims died due to starvation. Oduor noted that most of the victims showed signs of starvation which might be the reason behind their demise.
The pathologist has also noted that some of the victims might have died due to suffocation. Oduor noted that some of the victims might have died due to lack of oxygen which might have led to suffocation. This might be a prove that some of the Shakahola victims might have been strangled to death as earlier alleged by some of the witnesses.
by: Enterpolitrics