A wife who keeps forgiving her husband for cheating has been told to also go ahead and cheat.
The sad man told Maina Kageni on Wednesday October 13 that he feels so bad about cheating but he can’t help it, and the women he flirts with always agree to his advances.
His guilt is so bad that he told Maina he would encourage his wife to have an affair to ease his conscience.
“hiyo kitu I have wronged my wife several time Maina and she just keeps forgiving me. Na maisha inaendelea lakini mimi sijawahi mpata na makosa. That thing – cheating- is not okay coz she is just there to sacrifice and I regret so much.”
He added
“she really takes good care of me but ni kashetani that makes me cheat. If I find out she has cheated I will forgive her with all my heart from the bottom of my heart because she si humble to me. She has found me several times and each time she forgives me and I don’t know why I am messing around sijui Maina, yani kashetani tuu, kila mara ata nikime, funny enough these women love me, so I just wonder, hawawezi kataa so hiyo maneno I will forgive her , after all she is human being who can make mistakes so I will be ready to forgive her”