The Kenya Forest Service has embarked on a mission to recruit 1900 new forest rangers from across the country.In a statement on Tuesday, March 7, the service stated that the exercise would be conducted from 5: 30 am on Wednesday, March 8.The service said they had invited several observers, including the media and clergy, to ensure transparency during the process.KFS further stated that the exercise would be devoid of corruption, warning aspiring recruits against paying bribes to be considered.The service added that one only needed to attend the exercise at their home county and meet other requirements.KFS said that the recruitment of more KFS Rangers will be crucial in the race to achieve a minimum 30 per cent forest cover nationally by 2032, which is part of President William Ruto’s administration climate action.Kericho County residents applauded the recruitment of forest rangers as the most transparent, impartial, and best recruitment exercise for the disciplined forces ever to be conducted in the county.Mr. John Boit, a resident of Kapsoit, stated that the exercise was the most open and fair since even members of the public were allowed into the Kericho Green Stadium as observers.

by: Khase


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