Renowned entrepreneur and Managing Director of Bonfire Adventures, Sarah Kabu, has kicked off 2025 with ambitious goals. The travel mogul revealed her plans to pursue a pilot’s course this year, fulfilling a long-time dream of flying a plane. Additionally, Sarah aims to expand her expertise in IT, with a focus on automation and artificial intelligence (AI). She expressed an interest in taking a short course on AI to stay ahead in the digital age.
Reflecting on her journey, Sarah admitted she regrets not pursuing further education earlier but emphasized that it’s never too late to learn and grow. “There’s so much potential in keeping up with the changing times, and education is the key,” she shared. Her optimism is fueled by her achievements from the previous year, which was challenging yet rewarding. “From September to December, I worked tirelessly to accomplish everything on my vision board, and I’m proud to have achieved what I set out to do,” Sarah stated. Her determination to fulfill her goals serves as an inspiration to many, proving that resilience and focus can lead to success even during tough times.
Rebranding from her former name Kabu to mTalii, Sarah continues to inspire women to chase their dreams fearlessly. Her journey into the aviation field and IT highlights her dedication to personal and professional growth, showcasing that age or past challenges should not hinder one’s aspirations. With her vision board as a guide, Sarah Kabu is determined to make 2025 a transformative year, reminding everyone that it’s never too late to pursue new dreams.
By Kenyans