The primary duties of a house maid is to help in cleaning the house and utensils and clothes, nursing babies, preparing meals for the family and even helping the kids to do their homeworks.

In USA maid usually make 29,250 dollars per year. This is approximately 3 million Kenyan Shillings per year. Converting this amount to monthly payments it equivalents to approximately 200,000 Kenyan Shillings per month. Also, the house maids may decide to work part time. They usually make 15 dollars per hour (1500 Kenyan Shillings).

Photo courtesy of their pay.Also, this house maids can even make more if they have a high level of working experience. Their salaries are usually not fixed hence the more they work, the more their salaries are increased.

Despite their salaries are this much, you can’t compare the standards of living here in Kenya and their in USA. USA has got higher standards of living hence they spend abit more in cloth.

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