Hello guys and welcome back to my channel. Today we are going to check out on the salary of a house help working in Saudi Arabia in Kenyan Shillings.

First of all, a house maid is a person who in charge of doing house chores for their bosses. Currently, many girls are considering working in outside countries as a house help than in the home country. This is because, they allegedly make more working from outside than inside the country. Saudi Arabia is one of the most common counties known for paying maids a lump sum amount of money.

House maids are also referred to us as house helps or house keepers. They are responsible for doing house chores like cleaning house, clothes, utensils. Also, they cook, take care of babies, wash clothes and so many more other house chores.

A person working in Saudi Arabia as a house help allegedly earns approximately between 4,680 SAR to 9,200 SAR per month. This salary is equivalent to approximately between 153,000 Kenyan Shillings to 301,000 Kenyan Shillings per month. Their salaries usually vary depending on the number of years of experience.

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