In a tragic incident early this morning, a 29-year-old man, Barakael Matayo, lost his life after being run over by a passenger bus while he was sleeping. The unfortunate event occurred when Matayo was resting near the bus at a bus stop.
The driver of the Abood Arusha bus, unaware of the sleeping man, started the vehicle and drove away, resulting in the fatal accident. Friends of Matayo had warned him to keep a safe distance from the bus, but he ignored their advice, believing he would wake up before the bus moved.
The bus manager expressed deep sadness over the incident, highlighting the need for caution among young people regarding drug use, which can lead to tragic outcomes like this. “This incident has brought great sorrow to the residents of the area,” he stated. “The young man was slightly intoxicated and thought he could wake up when the driver approached, but that did not happen. The driver did not see him as he started driving away.”
The bus manager assured that the company would stand by Matayo’s family and support them in ensuring that he receives a dignified burial following this tragic event.
By tuko