A sombre mood swept through Ena Primary School in Embu County after the institution’s head teacher collapsed and died under mysterious circumstances.
Madam Lucy Mbogo is said to have collapsed in her officer. She was rushed to the nearby hospital but unfortunately, she was confirmed dead on arrival.
It remains unclear what caused the death of the teacher, though a postmortem examination is set to unravel the cause of her demise.
The late has been described as a passionate and committed woman who loved her job.
Teachers at the school remembered their late boss as a reliable, dedicated servant leader who loved teaching.
Madam Mbogo’s death is a big blow to the teaching fraternity. Teachers are challenged to always seek medical attention whenever they feel unwell as a way of preventing such sudden deaths.
We wish to send our heartfelt condolences to the family, friends, relatives and entire teaching fraternity for the loss of their loved one.