Sabina Chege was a popular Kikuyu Benga musician who had moved from grass to fame through hard work and determination. He died four years ago in a tragic road accident leaving behind his two wives who are Sarafina Demathew who is the first wife and Caroline Demathew who is the second wife.

After his death the two wives went to court over inheritance wrangles where the case was concluded few days ago. According to the high court first wife Sarafina Demathew was entitled to inherit all John Demathew properties and therefore Caroline was to get nothing. Kenyans have been all over social media encouraging her not to give up as others were using the opportunity to warn second wives that first wives will always win in court.

Sabina Chege who was a great friend of John Demathew decided to visit Caroline after the news went viral where they had a conversation which she didn’t disclose. Caroline thanked Sabina Chege for the visit where she said no matter what she will always be the owner of their husband’s love.

by: Sir.waweru

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