At the funeral for the late media icon Rita Tinina, veteran journalist Robert Nagila held the hand of her eight-year-old daughter Mia Malaikah Nagila as a sign of support. Rita Many social media users were moved by the gesture and left condolence comments in the comment section. On Wednesday, March 27, Rita Tinina, the journalist who passed away peacefully while sleeping in her Kileleshwa, Nairobi, home, was given a proper burial.

The renowned and gifted media personality was laid to rest at her parents’ Narok County home in Olokirikira. A touching video clip featuring her partner and daughter has been making the rounds on the internet. “Final journey for Rita Tinina heading to Narok for the final send-off.. go well Rita ️, “read the caption.

The video showed Rita’s partner Robert Nagila and daughter Mia Malaikah sharing a heartfelt moment. What is Rita’s daughter’s age? Holding her hand, Nagila led the way, walking beside the Range Rover hearse that held Rita. The girl was eight years old.

Mia led the other young girls who followed her, holding hands to show support. Mia wore a grey suit for the somber occasion, just like Nagila, who also appeared strong and self-assured in the video. In the video, Nagila walked past Mia and put his hand on her shoulder to pull her in closer.

Reactions on social media After the brief video went viral, social media users responded with comments and reactions, some of which expressed sympathy for the bereaved family. keziahngetich5: “May the lovely anchor rest in peace. You will be missed.


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