In a tragic early morning occurrence on the Kisumu-Nairobi expressway, a collision involving a Super Metro bus bound for Mombasa and a truck has led to the grievous loss of 17 lives, with more than 27 passengers sustaining serious injuries. The incident, which transpired in the Othoo area of Nyando, Kisumu County, at 2:30 am, claimed the lives of both bus and truck drivers.

Eyewitnesses vividly described the distressing scene, portraying the deafening impact as the bus endeavored to overtake a sedan, resulting in a fatal collision with the approaching truck. Residents, among them witness Jamea Onyango, came upon bodies strewn across the road and the twisted wreckage of the vehicles. The lorry, loaded with rice paddy, endured extensive damage, especially to its driver’s cabin.

The arduous rescue operation, aided by officers from Ahero Police Station, persisted for hours. Witness Peter Otieno emphasized the challenges faced in extracting the truck driver’s body due to the severe damage to the driver’s cabin.Source

Kisumu County health assistant administrator Ibrahim Wanyande conveyed that 12 passengers with minor injuries received treatment and were discharged. Meanwhile, 15 individuals are under observation at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital, with two in critical condition.

Ahero sub-county police commander Grace Thuo affirmed that 12 bodies were transported to the Ahero sub-county mortuary. The aftermath of the collision left the truck extensively impaired, with fragments of the engine and front axle scattered at the accident site.

As investigations progress, the exact count of passengers aboard the ill-fated bus remains undisclosed. This heart-wrenching incident underscores the pressing need for reinforced road safety measures and increased vigilance on major highways to avert similar tragedies. The community mourns the profound loss of lives, and our sympathies go out to those affected by this grievous catastrophe.

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