Gospel singer Ringtone Apoko has been forced to eat a humble pie and apologise to singer Size 8 and DJ Mo, after causing a scene at their album launch event.
“I want to beg Kenyans for forgiveness for what happened on Sunday. We have really embarrassed the gospel of Jesus Christ. When I look at the videos that you guys have posted, people have started hating Christianity, because of what happened.
“Please Kenyans, find it in your heart to forgive me. My pastor even called me and he is not happy with what transpired,” Ringtone said.
However, Apoko was adamant on apologizing to Size 8, despite being kicked out of her album launch.
“Mimi sijakosea Size 8, mimi nimekosea Yesu (I’ve not only wronged Size 8, I’ve offended Jesus),” said Ringtone.
Drama at Size 8’s album launch
On Sunday, drama was witnessed at the launch of singer Size 8’s album after Ringtone Apoko got chased from the event by DJ Mo.
DJ Mo explained that he was offended by Apoko’s sentiments on his wife and that’s why he opted to kick him out.
“If we are friends let us be friends. Na ukifeel nikama unaenda kuongea against my wife then unanitouch place wrong. If we are friends and we are men, we have to make sure that we protect our people. So Ringtone comes out here and start accusing Size 8 of things she has not done, that’s wrong,” DJ Mo narrated.
The Muraya’s
The Muraya’s
The Disc Jockey added that Ringtone should stop clout chasing at every event he is invited to or else he will be in big trouble.
DJ Mo confronted Ringtone at a time he was accusation Size 8 of denying him a chance to speak on the pulpit.
“I’m walking out of this Album launch because we have come here to support Size 8, but she calls men of God to go the pulpit and dedicate her album. When the pastors went to the pulpit I joined them because I also have my own pulpit, I’m a minister. Pastors doesn’t have the highest rank than a musician like me.
“But I went on stage then Size 8 chased me, saying this is a session for pastor’s only. I want to tell size 8, I’m also an anointed man of God who have survived this far. I’m disappointed so much because Size 8 chased me from the pulpit,” lamented Ringtone before DJ Mo confronted him.