Grace Ekirapa is getting real about stretching her limits in an encouraging note to her fans to take time out to avoid burnout.
She spoke about feeling physically and mentally exhausted but pushing herself because she need to continue ministering.
‘Goodmorning and happy new week. Today as I write, I feel like I am addressing myself first before anybody else. You see as a believer and minister, there are alot of times that I have felt tired and worn out from speaking to people and all I needed to do was rest. Unfortunately, I found myself pushing on and even harder just to validate my being relevant instead of taking a step back to refresh. Truth is, people will always be in need of encouragement and will require a word from you because they have fed from you before by the Grace of God but it’s dangerous to continue pushing even when you know you need time out. Jesus took time out to go and spend time with His father so that He would be refreshed enough to come back and give again. It’s very possible and dangerous to start speaking from your own understanding just because you feel the need to be relevant. Wisdom is making the decision to rest when you need to. It is okay to not have a word for someone, it’s okay to not hold those meetings yourself but Instead allow somebody else to do it as you rest and receive as well. It doesn’t mean you are weak, it just means that you understand that Gods presence in your life is not only available for when you are ministering instead it is a dwelling place for you anytime and you need to sit and feed for you to get strength to move. Shalom and have a great week ahead’


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