Daniel Owira, the adopted son of ex-President Uhuru Kenyatta and well-known as “Otonglo” after his 2013 performance on “Otonglo Time,” is now a successful member of the multimedia sector.
Owira, who was adopted by the previous president, attended Highway Secondary School and afterwards transferred to Multimedia University.
In 2019, he received his bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Media Studies; Cinema and Animation from Multimedia University.
In March of 2020, after graduating from college, the comedian and performer began an internship with Oakwood Brand Consultancy.
During an episode of The Wicked Edition, Owira discussed how he was shifting his attention to digital marketing at the company.
While still in school, he managed to land internships with some of Kenya’s most prestigious supermarkets and a major telecommunications provider.
He stated that the pay at the time was so fantastic that he considered abandoning his studies.
He continued to make progress in his professional life and in January 2021 he began an internship with the President’s Delivery Unit (PDU) in the Executive Office of the President.
Until August 2022, when outgoing President Uhuru Kenyatta officially cedes power, the comedian worked in the Oval Office.
Owira started working as a Communication Professional at Opejo Photography a month after landing his first position in multimedia journalism.
by: Mochacheinspires