Daisy Odeko Netia, widely recognized for her role as Naliaka in the popular TV show Papa Shirandula, is a multi-talented individual balancing careers as an actress, journalist, and pastor.
Born as the fourth child in a family of five, Daisy grew up in Eastlands, where she faced challenges in her early education.
Attending Ofafa Jericho Primary School, she struggled with English, often becoming the target of teasing, which led her to become a quieter person.
Determined to improve her language skills, she later joined Ngara Girls, where she immersed herself in reading to gain fluency.
After high school, Daisy began working in sales to save for college while living independently in Imara Daima Estate.
She enrolled at the East Africa School of Media Studies, pursuing a degree in Mass Communication. During this time, she discovered her passion for acting through local theater, meeting Victor Ber, who encouraged her to pursue a career in the arts.
This led to her involvement in various stage productions before landing her iconic role in Papa Shirandula.
In her personal life, Daisy married Justus Netia in June 2015, after a lengthy courtship that began during a work trip to Malindi. Their relationship is built on shared faith and values, emphasizing the importance of a Godly partnership.
A devout Christian, Daisy has openly shared her journey of faith, including a profound healing from asthma, which she attributes to divine intervention during a praise and worship session.
By WhoOwnsKenya