Do you remember the mother who put so much effort into her son’s education before he married her? Find Curses from the Bible for Them.The Bible bans it is known as “incest” to have sexual intercourse with a member of one’s personal family or a close acquaintance. These forbidden verses are most frequently mentioned in Deuteronomy, Leviticus 20:11–21, and Leviticus 18:6–18.

An interpretation of Leviticus 18:6: “Do not engage in sexual activity with your immediate family. Coitus with your mother is not worth disturbing your father in that way, no matter how much. Any type of sexual interaction with your father’s prior wives would be degrading.”

Leviticus verse 14

If you condone this vile act in any way, shape, or form, the man, lady, and mother partaking in the marriage will all be burned to death.By then a 47-year-old mother in Malawai, Memory Njemani married her biological 30-year-old son in a simple white wedding.

In a publication in one of the Malawian newspapers, the woman, Memory Njemani revealed that she married her son because she has invested a lot in his education to let another woman have him.In her opinion, it’s her investment so another woman cannot reap where she did not sow.

“I invested a lot of money in the education of my son. Why should another woman be married to him and enjoy my hard work I invested in him? That will not happen. I’m marrying my son so that we don’t empower other women who have been aborting ” she lamented.

However, people have accused the mother of bewitching her son into marrying her because no man in his right senses will make such a move, as the news about their marriage has caused disgust amongst netizens in Malawi and beyond.

Farai said he was more than prepared to marry his mother and would pay off the ilobola balance his father had left unpaid to his grandparents.

“I know my father died before he finished paying the bride price and I am prepared to pay it off,” he said. “It is better to publicise what is happening because people should know that I am the one who made my mother pregnant.

Otherwise they will accuse her of promiscuity.” But local headman Nathan Muputirwa says: “We cannot allow this to happen in our village, mashura chaiwo aya, (This is a bad omen indeed). In the past they would have to be killed but today we cannot do it because we are afraid of the police.”

By Kenyanews

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