What are some of the red flags to avoid at all costs in men?
Maina Kageni on Wednesday March 16 advised girls what to watch out for in relationships.
He was referring to a case in which to women were charged for failing to pay a bill of sh147k in a club.
Maina said ‘you know there is something I think ladies you owe each other some pointers today coz yesterdays conversation of ladies stranded witha bill after being left by men who had invited them.’
He added ‘let me ask you ladies the red flag that if you see this sign ran for the hills coz if todays man can invite you for a date and abandon you with a bill and feel nothing, what else do they do? seriously, what can’t they do? if a man can’t take care of you on a date how can he take care of you and your family?’
So Maina revealed his red flags to help ladies figure it out:
‘if on the first date he asks you to contribute to the bill, RUN me that’s my red flag. Or if he asks you for money in the first one year RUN. there is no helping each other here, infact run, get out of that house’