Government is thinking about making a big change for all its workers. Instead of having permanent jobs, they might have to work on contracts. This idea was talked about by Moses Kuria, who works in the Public Service Cabinet, during a meeting on Tuesday.
Kuria said they’re working on this plan and will talk about it with the cabinet on Friday. If everyone agrees, all government workers will switch from permanent jobs to contract jobs.
One reason they want to do this is because they’re worried about how much money they spend on workers’ salaries. Kuria said that right now, one million government workers use up half of all the money the government gets from taxes. That’s a lot of money, and it’s hard for taxpayers.
So, the government wants to change things to spend less money on workers’ salaries. By making everyone work on contracts, they hope to spend less and not put as much pressure on taxpayers.
Kuria also said that no job is permanent, even in life. He used this idea to explain why they want to switch everyone to contracts instead of permanent jobs. According to him, it’s more realistic to think of jobs as contracts because nothing lasts forever.
The cabinet will decide if they’ll make this change or not after they talk about it on Friday. We’ll know more about the plan after the cabinet makes its decision.