Yvette Obura, Bahati’s first baby mama shared a hilarious story yesterday with some of her fans. Yvette gave a funny story about her daughter Mueni threatening the singer.
In the story, Yvette explains that Mueni is graduating from pre-school and has been inviting different relatives to the ceremony.
Her Instastories read,
“It’s graduation season for pre-school. Mueni has called her dad, her aunties, and the rest of the family in person just to tell them to drop whether they are doing tomorrow and attended her graduation.”
What really got Yvette though was the warning that Mueni has been giving when she concludes the conversation.
Mueni is apparently telling her father and aunties that she will have ‘issues’ with them. “She ends the call with ‘ukikosa tutakosana’ I’m dying,” Mueni ended her message.
Yvette Obura message
Image: Courtesy
I like that Mueni is this free with her singer father. Things haven’t always been this smooth between Bahati and his biological first-born child.
Let’s not forget that the ‘Mama’ singer denied Yvette and Mueni for the first two years of her life. But that is ancient history for now.


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