Tanzanian singer and Next Level Music President Rayvanny has come out to explain why he set a house on fire in his latest music video ‘I miss You’ featuring Zuchu.
According to the singer, he wanted to paint a true picture of what love can do when people are betrayed in a relationship.
The singer revealed that he used a whooping Sh250,751 (Sh5, 000, 000) to build the house he set on fire in the video.
He added that the ‘I miss you’ video happens to be the most expensive video he has ever done in his entire music career and it took 3 months to be completed.
Rayvanny forced to defend himself after setting own house on fire [Video]
Rayvanny forced to defend himself after setting own house on fire [Video]
“Nimepokea meseji nyingi sana kila mtu akisema lake kuhusu hii scene……ni hivi: Hii ni sanaa ambayo tunabidi tuipe heshima kubwa hata mataifa ya mbali wakiona wajue kua kumbe Tanzania 🇹🇿 kuna watu wapo serious na kuna vitu vinawezekana.
“Unaweza sema ni kufuru ila hujui kua ni investment ni kama movies tu za nje wanatumia mabilioni na wanarudisha mabilioni zaidi. So sina nilichoharibu hapo ila nimetengeneza.
“Kwa mnaosema box ,mara mbao niwasaidie tu nenda ka google kitaalamu inaitwa (Board House ) kajaribu kujenga afu choma 😂😂😂😂😂. Mbona hajaungua nywele: ajali sio lazima mtu aumie unavyotaka wewe …inaweza gari ikaharibika ovyo ovyo kabisa na mtu akatoka bila hata kovu,” Rayvanny explained.
In a separate post, the singer said that it was a dream to make everything in the music video real and glad it happened.
Rayvanny forced to defend himself after setting own house on fire [Video]
Rayvanny forced to defend himself after setting own house on fire [Video]
“It was my dream to make everything as real as possible during the video shoot. I said I will build a house and then set it on fire and my team thought I was crazy. But we did and we burnt down all of it to make the video shoot look real,” he said.
The video is currently trending at number one on YouTube both in Kenya and Tanzania with over 1.5 views.
“Nimetumia miezi mitatu kushot hii video. It was not easy. Train scene, expensive scene Hela imetumika sana. Shot ambazo sijawahiona,” he added.