It is said that great results happen over time and not overnight.

Well this is a quote that Kenyan digital creator Ingrid Chelly must currently be relishing in, if her recent achievements are anything to go by.

Photo: Ingrid Chelly

The sassy queen who also happens to be the ex-girlfriend of flamboyant businessman Kennedy Rapudo has infact been on a fitness journey for a awhile now, and all the efforts that she has been putting in has undoubtedly paid off wholesomely.

Taking to her Instagram account Ingrid Chelly infact recently celebrated her fitness journey that spans for about two years.

The digital creator infact flaunted a photo that she took in 2021 when she admittedly was struggling with her own body, and the one that she took recently in 2023.

What was clear is that she had an impressive physique because she was a little bit muscular, got rid of her lower belly fat and was even now more voluptuous than before.

Ingrid Chelly further credited Chipukeezy’s ex-girlfriend Kibanja, who is also a fitness enthusiast, for having inspired her and pushed her to work out so that she may one day achieve her goal.

“I struggled with my body in 2021. I genuinely did not love how I looked…I used to complain so much and @kibanja pushed me to start working out and be consistent.

Best decision ever. I’m so proud of my journey and can’t wait to achieve my goal” Ingrid Chelly wrote.

Ingrid Chelly and her fitness journey
As mentioned above Ingrid Chelly has been on her fitness journey for awhile now.

If you are her follower on her instagram account, then you surely must have caught a glimpse of how she loves to share videos of herself at the gym working out.

Well this is a type of content that thousands of her instagram followers seem to love, as they always wait eagerly for her to show them how she is progressing.

Even though Ingrid Chelly’s final fitness goal is not yet disclosed, she is almost there because she has always wanted to get rid of that belly fat for the longest time, and she has achieved it.

Photo: Ingrid Chelly when she had some belly fat

On the 8th of November 2022, the voluptuous digital creator even admitted to her social media fans that she was struggling with it a lot.

“My hormonal lower belly fat struggles are the absolute gherooooooo” she wrote.

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