Former Bunge La Wananchi president Calvin Okoth, popularly known as Gaucho, has raised alarm over threats to his life, alleging that leaders associated with the Azimio La Umoja coalition, led by Raila Odinga, are behind his troubles. Gaucho, a staunch supporter of Odinga, claimed that his vocal advocacy for youth empowerment within the opposition outfit has made him a target for elimination.

In a bold assertion, Gaucho asserted that his decision to speak out against individuals, including Members of Parliament and Senators aligned with Azimio, who he accuses of stifling young ambitions, has led to his life being endangered. He emphasized his commitment to standing up for himself and the youth, despite facing intimidation and threats.

The allegations made by Gaucho shed light on the internal dynamics within the Azimio La Umoja coalition and raise questions about the extent of dissent and discord within its ranks. As a prominent figure within the opposition circles, Gaucho’s claims underscore the challenges facing youth participation and empowerment in Kenyan politics, particularly within established political structures.

The accusations leveled by Gaucho against leaders close to Raila Odinga highlight the complexities of intra-party politics and the struggles for influence and power within political coalitions. They also point to broader concerns about the protection of freedom of expression and the safety of individuals who dare to challenge the status quo.

As Gaucho’s allegations reverberate within political circles, attention is drawn to the need for transparency, accountability, and inclusivity within political movements. The safety and well-being of individuals like Gaucho, who advocate for change and reform, should be safeguarded to ensure a vibrant and democratic political environment in Kenya.

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