On Wednesday 31st, Raila Odinga graced a youth empowerment event at Westlands constituency in Nairobi county. Raila was invited by the area member of parliament, Tim Wanyonyi, where they delivered various equipment for start-up businesses.
The event went on well but towards the end, Odinga bodyguards were forced to act swiftly to shield the former prime minister from rowdy youths who had begun to demand taking selfies with Raila.
“Acheni tupige picha na baba” the youths chanted in Swahili. This translates to, “give us a chance to take photos with Raila.” (Watch video from 5 min).
However, this wish was not granted after the bodyguards intervened and pushed away those who were trying to access the area where Raila was standing. The bodyguards escorted Odinga to his vehicle and then he left.
Earlier during that event, Odinga took the chance to criticize president Ruto’s government over failure to address the issue of the rising cost of living. He also endorsed Tim Wanyonyi for Nairobi Governor in 2027.
by: The_Updater