Kenyan fast rising celebrity, Pritty vishy is currently the talk on social media after a screenshot of an mpesa was shared on social media. The controversial influencer, Vishy received unusual request from her online fans. On the post which was shared by a local media house, a fan asked Pritty to buy for her a Sanitary towel which at first she didn’t agree to.
As seen on the posts, Vishy first responded to the fan by telling her to ask her for money. After receiving a number of criticisms from the public, Pritty went ahead and send 300 to the lady. “Sorry to ask you don’t have a boyfriend?”, Vishy first asked her online fan.
After the screenshot went viral on social media, Pritty was bashed by netizens who felt that she wrongfully responded to the girl in need. As reported by a local media house, one of the netizens sent ten times what Vishy had sent earlier. Here is the full post.
by: Lydiah_KE