Four years after their son vanished, a family in Kimandi Village, Kerugoya Ward, Kirinyaga Central, is in excruciating pain.
The family, led by their mother Jane Muthike, said that their search for David Karimi Muthike had been fruitless.
Peter Muthike and Isaac Kinyua, David’s brothers, experienced the anguish of a family that was unable to even enjoy this joyous occasion. Isaac clarified in a somber tone, “He was working as an officer at Rumuruti Prison prior to his disappearance on December 20, 2020.”
Visibly worried, Jane Muthike begged for help finding her son. “We have no information about his whereabouts, and we continuously listen to local radio stations and watch television, hoping for any news that he might return.”
Despite repeatedly visiting Rumuruti GK Prison to seek answers, his mother, who was clearly worried, begged for help in finding her son.
“David, who was 42 at the time, vanished while on vacation. We hoped he would come back, but time has not lived up to our expectations,” she remarked, tears running down her cheeks.
The family has been surrounded by suffering and uncertainty for the last four years. “I weep every night when I consider my son. I’ve been under a lot of stress every day since I don’t know where he is. Her voice broke with passion as she said, “I call for assistance from all over this nation.”
By Kenyans