President Uhuru Kenyatta has given a hint that the dusk to dawn curfew that has been in place since March 2020 might come to an end soon.
Speaking in Kirinyaga County on Monday, Uhuru said he has heard the cries of many Kenyans who want the curfew lifted and might consider it.
“We will look at it, I’m working, and very soon, you will hear it, I do not want to speak too early but very soon,” Uhuru said.
However, the president urged citizens to keep observing the COVI-19 prevention measures that are in place.
“You must be vigilant and protect yourself from the disease so that when we lift the curfew, there are no more cases and deaths,” he said.
Recently, Uhuru made a joke that he won’t lift the dusk to dawn curfew because it had resulted to the birth of many children.
“Vile nimeona leo hapa Kahawa, inaonekana hii curfew lazima iendelee. Watoto mumejaza hapa jameni, ni wengi. Wacha hii curfew iendelee. Tunataka Kenya iendelee kukuwa namna hiyo.
(From what I have witnessed here in Kahawa, it seems like curfew must stay. The number of newborns in this area has increased. Let this curfew go on as we want Kenya’s population to continue growing), ” Uhuru said.


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