Presidential candidate, Professor George Wajackoyah has promised to give stipends to pregnant women once he gets elected.
This, he said on Wednesday morning on AM live show on NTV where he insisted that should he get elected, pregnant women will automatically become state projects until they give birth.
He said, “Any mother who gets pregnant the day she gets pregnant and there’s scientific evidence to show that she is pregnant, we shall start paying her a stipend because she will become now a state project right from the time she becomes pregnant.”
Wajackoyah said he believes his Roots party government will have made enough money to give stipends, from the exportation of Marijuana.
“So these other rules and regulations will be there but we want to take care of a mother right from the time of inception of the child to the time she gives birth. We feel like we shall give them enough money because we shall have enough money from Marijuana.”
This comes just days after Wajackoyah also promised to be exporting dog and snake meat to china and other countries overseas to help increase the country’s revenue.
“We are aware how snake farming has the capacity to fetch billions to the country’s revenue basket. The snakes have a lot of medical products that can help benefit the country if well invested in,” Wajackoyah said.…/2022-06-29-pregnant-mother-will…/