Popular musician Bahati and his wife Diana Marua attended a golf tournament organised in Mombasa county. Bahati and Diana joined other golf players during the sports event in the coastal region.

Akothee organised the golf event to raise funds to support needy children in different parts of the country. She invited several people to support the initiative. They are determined to improve the lives of needy people in Kenya.

Bahati praised Akothee for planning the golf event. He has been involved in supporting children from needy backgrounds for a long time. He has sponsored several children from needy backgrounds to access education.

Bahati is one of the most talented musicians in the country. He started his music career at an early age. He has released several songs during his long and successful career. He has achieved a lot of success through hard work and determination.

The talented singer is an inspiration to many young people in the country. He has been providing mentorship to young people in Kenya. He has been encouraging young people to pursue careers in various fields.

Bahati has encouraged Kenyans to support the charitable initiative. This will improve the living standards of many children from needy backgrounds in the country.

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