Popular comedian Eric Omondi was happy to rescue several people affected by the floods in Ruiru. He used a boat to carry several people to safety within Ruiru town.

Heavy rainfall has been experienced in several parts of the country in the last few days. This has caused flooding in many areas as a result of poor drainage. Many people have been left homeless due to the floods.

Eric Omondi has accused the government of neglecting people affected by floods in the country. He has mobilised resources to support flood victims in different parts of the country. He is working together with several private organisations.

Eric Omondi is one of the most talented comedians in the country. He started his career at an early age. He has achieved a lot of success through hard work and determination. He enjoys a large following in the country.

The talented comedian has promised to relocate the affected families to safer locations. He has purchased household items to donate to families affected by the flooding situation in the country.

Several people have lost their belongings as a result of the floods. They have appealed for help from well-wishers to support them during this difficult period.

The government is working together with other non-govermental organisations to support all the affected families. They have managed to rescue several people who were trapped by the floods in their houses.


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