The media and music fraternity is mourning the untimely death of journalist and musicians Storm DwarChild – real name Peter Oteng.
Storm was until his death a communication officer in the office of Kanduyi Member of Parliament, Wafula Wamunyinyi.
He was also a popular musician having produced songs such as, “Covid-19, “Landlord” and “Bindu Bichenjanga”, gaining a huge amount of airtime on local radio and television stations.
Watch his latest release dubbed Wake Up.

WakeUp #StormDwarchild #Western_OnTrend #subscribe #MMFMusicEmpire #trend

Storm’s body was found lying in a pool of blood with deep cuts on the head and hands indicating a struggle with the unknown assailants before his death.
The lifeless and bloody body was discovered by a passerby at Sunrise Estate in Bungoma town just a few metres from his apartment on Friday night.
MP Wamunyinyi condemned the killing and called on police to probe the murder and ensure the assailants are punished.
May he rest in peace.


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