On Tuesday Kenyans came together to give TikTok star Brian Chira a final send off at his grandmother’s home. Fellow TikTokers flocked outside the Kenyatta Memorial Funeral Home to view the body of Chira before it was taken to Kiambu where he was to be laid. From photos that have been making rounds on the internet, hundreds of people came out even those had not known him before.
The memorial home was full to capacity with his closest friends leading the event. Some people broke down into tears when they viewed the body of Chira because it had come at an unexpected time. Organizers ensured that Chira received the best send off and they hired high end vehicles to ferry his body. His body was carried by a Limousine hearse.
People were also spotted wearing clothes imprinted with Chira’s name and his popular slogan “Kama wewe sio pesa huwezi nipea stress (If you are not money you can not stress me)”. Below are some of the photos from the funeral of Chira.
The death of Chira has taken the country by storm as no one expected he could unite the people in such a way. When he was alive he was hated but his death has brought together many people mostly TikTok enthusiasts. What do you have to say about Chira’s funeral? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. Follow the page for more news updates daily.