A tragic event unfolded at the University of Eldoret on Friday night when a third-year student met a fatal end at the hands of a rival lover. The victim, known as Chris Nyaribo, was pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and had been in a relationship with a first-year female student from the same institution.
Per police reports, Nyaribo was assaulted by an unidentified individual who had been pursuing his girlfriend. The alleged assailant confronted Nyaribo in his hostel, accusing him of infidelity, leading to a heated argument that escalated into violence when the assailant produced a knife, resulting in multiple stab wounds to Nyaribo’s chest and abdomen.
Nyaribo’s friends, who were present during the attack, rushed him to the nearby Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, but he tragically succumbed to his injuries upon arrival. The perpetrator fled the scene and remains at large. Law enforcement authorities have initiated a search and are appealing to the public for any information.
The University of Eldoret administration has strongly condemned this incident and extended their condolences to Nyaribo’s family and friends. Prof. Teresa Akenga, the Vice-Chancellor, expressed the university’s commitment to cooperating with the police to ensure justice is served. She also urged students to avoid resorting to violence and instead seek peaceful conflict resolution methods.
Nyaribo’s peers and colleagues have described him as a bright, friendly, and humble individual with a promising future. They paid tribute to him on social media platforms using the hashtag #RIPChrisNyaribo. Some have also called for an end to violence on campus and increased counseling services for students.
This incident has left many people shocked and grieving, prompting questions about the value of human life and the consequences of deteriorating relationships. Nyaribo’s death has also underscored the importance of raising awareness and preventing gender-based violence among young individuals.
By tuko