Gengetone and Mugithi sensation, Peter Miracle Baby, is facing a medical crisis, urgently seeking financial support to cover a hefty Ksh 1 million hospital bill. The artist, known for his infectious beats, has been battling stomach complications since 2018, with the situation escalating in 2023 when an emergency surgery revealed burst intestines, leading to infections and the need for an oxygen machine.
Miracle Baby’s wife, Carol Katrue, disclosed in a recent interview that the family has only managed to raise Ksh 200,000, far from the required amount. The hospital demands a substantial upfront payment before continuing treatment. The revelation of a misplaced appendix from a previous surgery adds a layer of complexity to the artist’s health challenges.
Despite medication progress in the past, Miracle Baby’s recent ordeal has mobilized support efforts. Karangu Wa Muraya, rallying Kenyans, artists, and politicians on Facebook, is leading a campaign to raise funds for the artist’s medical expenses. The urgency of the situation, compounded by the artist’s critical condition, emphasizes the need for a collective response to aid in his recovery.In the face of this health crisis, Miracle Baby’s fans and well-wishers are joining forces, showcasing the power of community support in the challenging journey towards meeting the substantial medical expenses.
By News Hub Creator