“Useless Uncle Of The Family” People’s Reactions After Samidoh Allegedly Helped Fatxo To Escape Jeff’s Case.

Some few hours ago, Robert Alai said that Samidoh was one of the people who were bribed by DJ Fatxo to do a cover-up to the death of Jeff Mwathi who died in the house of DJ Fatxo.

Jeff died in the house of DJ Fatxo which isn’t the Kasarani area, he was allegedly killed in this house before being thrown down from the 10th floor via a small window.

In an interview that DJ Fatxo had at Radio Jambo, he said that Samidoh was one of the people who saw the window through that Jeff allegedly committed suicide and Samidoh said that Jeff’s death could be from suicide.

Samidoh is the uncle of the late Jeff Mwathi. Now after this, people reacted to this issue some saying that Samidoh is the most useless uncle or relative that his family has because he did nothing in this case. Some said that he was bribed to end this case despite him being a police officer.


by: @kenyanews-media

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