The Mugumo tree is a sacred tree among the Kikuyu community, Mugumo tree serves as God’s dwelling place and a place to offer sacrifices. The Mugumo tree grows with a purpose and it is not cut down without a serious sacrifice.

Now members of AIPCA Church in the Central Kenya region have been shocked after a Mugumo tree start to grow in this church next to this Church’s cross which is on the altar. The leadership of this church had gone to seek knowledge from the Kikuyu Council of Elders so that they can help to interpret the meaning of this phenomenon.

Some members of this Church addressed this issue by saying that these are two alters of God and one must be destroyed to allow the other to stay. They said most likely, the church will fall or be demolished so that the Mugumo tree can grow.

Other people who reacted to this video said that the Mugumo tree is a sign of God telling people to go back to their culture and traditions, some said that in this case church must fall to allow the Mugumo tree to grow.

Click the link below and watch the full video

by: @kenyanews-media

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