Someone on Twitter has released their list of most toxic men and top is Luo men.
List of Men who give proper character development.

  1. Luos
  2. Luhyas
  3. Kikuyu
    4 Taita
  4. Kisii
  5. Meru
  6. Kalenjin wa Sugoi
  7. Kamba
  8. Embu
    No one has a problem with that. What is of contention is that Turkana men have made it to the list. I don’t know any but if you do, please tag him, we tryn see something.
    So the list has created an uproar that Turkana are harmless, but Kikuyu’s and Luo’s are legit toxic men. I’m curious, do ou agree?
    Saa kisii wanakupea character development gani surely
    Muembu naye na venye niwapole pia wako leaguee
    Mturkana akikupiga character development apo ndio unajua the problem is you
    sa mturkana utakuwa umeenda kutafuta Nini
    Kindly expound on number 4,we’re only 360,000 of us in existence in the entire country as of 2019 census,women and children altogether
    Wataita tumefanya nini
    My husband is a bit of 1 and 2…should I be worried?
    Japuonj, i mean, Senior lecturers in K.I of character development. But do I say
    BY CLASSIC 105


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