Kenyans are very intentional when it comes to matters hustles, financial issues and most importantly love. I mean not everyday is character development o’clock.
I am so sure in a group of 4 ladies two must have confessed that they would pay a fortune to have either Otile Brown or Sauti Sol to perform in their weddings – Because John Legend cannot be paid with exposure.
We ran a poll on Kiss FM social media pages asking Kenyans to name that one artist they’d love to see perform in their weddings and I must say, Otile Brown and Sauti Sol didn’t come as a shocker.
Well there might be a couple who mentioned embarambamba but I know we all have different taste and probably being romantic on the most romantic moment isn’t their thing.
Check out the responses we received and let us know whom you’d prefer as well;
Benz Barry: Embarambamba watu wakimbie watafute njaa
Benwalker bee: Sauti Soul
Reenruckie: Otile brown
Moh spice 4: Definitely Nyash
Deegey Sareh: Sol generation
Katao Music: Atemi
Nickson Kipkirui: King Kaka
Zeddie Majid: Nyash
Shirie:Nikita kering
Regy rugs: Nviiri the storyteller
Ragnar: Shinski
Val Gesare:@elanimuziki
Luban goann:@sautisolall the way
WycliffOnwonga: Otilebrown


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