In Israel, Christians represent a very small percentage of the population, constituting only about 2%. The majority of the population in Israel adheres to Judaism, making it the most dominant religion in the country. This demographic distribution reflects both the historical and contemporary religious landscape of the region.

Judaism is not only the most widespread religion in Israel but also foundational to the country’s identity. The state of Israel was established in 1948 as a homeland for the Jewish people following the atrocities of World War II and the Holocaust. The Jewish population in Israel is diverse, encompassing a range of religious observance from secular to ultra-Orthodox. The Jewish religion significantly influences the cultural, political, and social aspects of Israeli life. Major Jewish holidays are observed nationwide, and the Jewish calendar dictates many of the country’s public events and services.

Christianity in Israel is a minority religion with a small but significant presence. The Christian community is primarily made up of Arab Christians, who are descendants of those who lived in the region before the establishment of the state of Israel. There are also Christian immigrants and expatriates. The Christian population is concentrated in specific areas such as Nazareth, which is a significant religious and historical site due to its association with Jesus Christ.

The smaller size of the Christian population compared to the Jewish majority impacts various aspects of religious practice and community life. For example, while there are several important Christian sites in Israel, such as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, the community’s influence on national policy and public life is relatively limited compared to the Jewish majority.

In summary, Judaism is the predominant religion in Israel, deeply embedded in the country’s cultural and political fabric, while Christianity, though significant, constitutes a small minority within the population.

By Quora

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