The 2023/2024 finance bill proposals which is before parliament has divided the political class right in the middle. The Azimio members of parliament have vowed to vote against the bill while their counterparts in Kenya Kwanza have shown support to the bill. The opposition leaders have threatened to revive demonstrations if the bill passes.

Suba south member of parliament, Caroli Omondi, came out to openly support the controversial finance bill despite having been elected on an ODM party ticket.

While making his presentation on the floor of parliament, Omondi said that a time has come for Kenya to finance it’s own budget without necessarily borrowing debts from foreign countries.

Omondi also noted that the housing levy will go a long way in creating employment for the young people. He asked his colleagues from ODM to soften their hardline stand and support the finance bill.

“A time has come for Kenya to fund it’s own development without borrowing. The housing fund will create employment to the youth. I have said Kenya comes first and I fully support the bill,” noted the MP.

by: The_Updater

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