Obinna started the conversation by stating that he wants to be Sonko’s dog because the way life was going that was an ultimate option.
He said, ” Me I want to be Sonko’s dog, I want to be Sonko’s dog because the way life is taking me… wueh… I just want to be a dog.”
Kamene also agreed with her co-host adding, ” ata eehh btw please ata mimi nataka hiyo kazi.”
Obinna went on to add that where he grew up dogs fend for themselves and get harrased as well.
” Do you know where I grew up Bosco (popular dog name) inajitafutia. Ushago ubwa inajitafutia chakula alafu mpatane hapo mipige teke ikuangalie vibaya.( up country dogs fend for themselves then ya’all meet it and kick it then it looks at you badly) ” Obinna said.
He went on to joke that dogs in the village have low self esteem because no one fends for them.
” That is why mbwa za ushago zikona low self esteem, mtu akiona anairushia tu mawe, (dogs in upcountry have low self esteem, people throw rocks at it) unaipata umeipiga teke. Mbwa za ushago zote ata ni wezi, ikikuona inalia tu mkia iko huku chini. Low self esteem. ” Obinna ranted.
” Then you come to Nairobi and meet dogs with names like Angel, Coco, Channel….” But before Obinna could finish off his statement his co-host added that he met a cute baby girl dog that totally hypnotized her.
Kamene said, ” met one of these cute baby girl dogs over the weekend and it does not red meat…”
“See what I am talking about? What dog does not eat meat?” Obinna lamented!
” It does not eat red meat and likes to drink cold water and eat pizza….” Kamene added.
Obinna utterly shocked by this information asked why would someone choose for a dog the water it drinks. And Kamene tried explaining that the dog just does not like warm water and it likes to lick ice cubes.
And Obinna could not comprehend how people were trying dogs better than their fellow humans.
The two dissected Sonko’s youngest daughter sharing their dogs’ weekly meal plan on social media and how absurd it all was and Obinna started barking in the studio pleading with Sandra Mbuvi to take him as a dog.
He ended his pleas by stating, ” After all si all men are dogs.”…/2022-06-14-obinna-i-want-to-be…/