Police have arrested a 40-year-old man who was allegedly found with bhang and accused of engaging in an indecent act with an animal in Nyamira County. The man, identified as Lucas Ondieki, was nabbed on Sunday after he went into hiding on Saturday following a confrontation with his father over the issue which he allegedly said he cannot do without.

According to the police, Ondieki had locked up an animal in his house and was engaging in an indecent act with it, maybe because of intoxication he looked happy. His father, who lives nearby, heard some noises and went to check on him. He was shocked to find his son in the act and tried to stop him. However, Ondieki resisted and attacked his father, injuring him on the head. He then fled the scene, leaving behind the animal and some bhang. According to him, his father was distracting him from pleasuring himself.

The father reported the matter to the police, who launched a manhunt for Ondieki. He was traced to a nearby village where he had eloped to and got arrested. He was found in possession of more bhang, which he had allegedly been selling to the locals. Ondieki was taken to Sengera Manga police station, where he is being held pending investigations. He will be charged with aggravated assault, having an indecent act with an animal and possession of bhang, among other offences.

The police have also rescued the animal and taken it to a veterinary clinic for examination. They have urged the public to report any cases of drug abuse and bestiality in their areas. They have also warned that anyone found engaging in such acts will face the full wrath of the law.

by: Hot_Breaking_News

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