For the past few months the country has been going through a lot of tension and fear.
The main cause of all this is due to the annulment of the August presidential general election results by the supreme court which forced Kenyans back to the polls once again on October 26, for the re-election process.
Some Kenyans have taken to the streets to protest the entire process, leading to violence being marked in some regions and some led to the loss of innocent lives.
Grace Ekirapa, a beautiful gospel musician and Cross over 101 TV host, wrote a heart felt message addressing the nation.
“Tension and anxiety is a product of fear. The Enemy knows that when we are in fear, we cannot exercise faith, that is why he will attack us by depositing fear. Today we stand in thanksgiving to God because we are confident that He is faithful to deliver us. He has done it before and He will do it again. No more tears, no more blood shed, no more fighting because love has overcome.Kenya will not fall. We r standing with our heads up high because the battle is the Lords and the victory is ours. #onenation #weareone #mycountrymyhome”


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