Since Njeri Muigai publicly declared her divorce from Muigai wa Njoroge, she has been a prominent topic of conversation. The social media influencer captured attention with a video showing her enjoying a holiday, visibly happy and carefree. Observers commented on her apparent joy following the end of her polygamous marriage, and some encouraged her to remain open to new romantic possibilities.
Gladys Njeri, formerly married to Kikuyu gospel singer Muigai wa Njoroge, has been entertaining her online audience with posts from her enjoyable vacation. Using her TikTok account, Njeri shared moments from her trip, clearly relishing her newfound freedom. She was featured in the video wearing a pink cap and a long vintage short, coordinated with a sleeveless top, dancing to a Kikuyu song, and making various gestures.
Fans have positively reacted to Njeri Muigai’s refreshed lifestyle, with many commenting on her enjoying her independence. Some even advised her to re-enter the dating scene. Social media users shared their thoughts:
@lizziekariuki noted, “Peace is paramount, with God leading the way.”
@Mware wa Mwea encouraged, “Wow, never be a prisoner of love.”
@userloveable shared, “Self-love suits you well. Very lovely.”
@F.M.K speculated, “I bet Muigai regrets his decisions.”
@magwanaks observed, “She looks good, but it’s also cool to slay while married. It’s a pity we only realize this after divorce.”
Njeri also shared a video after getting a fresh haircut, but the response was mixed, with many fans suggesting she should consider wigs or return to her previous hairstyle. Despite the feedback, Njeri stated she preferred not to go back to her previous hair styling methods and apologized for any disappointment.