Njambi Njambi, also known as Caroline Njambi Njau, is the last-born child in a family of four and a mother of one. Currently, she works for Inooro TV’s Royal Media Services after being given another chance at the TV station a few years back.

Many people adore Njambi because of her captivating voice and attractive appearance, which keep viewers hooked to the television. 2019 saw Njambi, a mother of one, and her husband separated after their marriage hit rocks.

Fortunately, she has managed to raise her child while continuing to work at Inooro TV.

On her social media accounts, she always honours her child and shows him nothing but love. She also goes to other events with him.

Recently, Njambi shared a beautiful photo of himself that shows him as a grown up boy. She said that her son had greatly contributed to her development in real life. She continued by saying that occasionally she wakes up feeling worn out, but when she sees her smiling, she realises that God has given her the duty to look after him.

She also stated that being a happy mother is one way to do big things in life. She declared in closing that he is the centre of her universe and the main reason she works hard in life. She gave her son Milan Njau Njambi her heartfelt affection.

“You are a wise man and a champion. Mum loves you,” She wrote. She posted a picture of her grown-up son wearing a helmet, and a short, smiling to the camera.

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